【同义词辨析】 2019-11-07 外部outer-exterior
outer: tends to retain its comparative force and apply to what is farther out from something described as inner: the ~ layer of skin is called the epidermis; or is farther than another thing from a center: shed one's ~ garments. (又如outer space/wall/suburbs /Mongolia外太空/墙/远郊/外蒙古,superlative最高级是outermost最靠外最远的,如the outermost planet in our solar system太阳系最远(靠外)的行星是Pluto冥王星)
outward: commonly implies motion or direction away from, or the reverse of, what is inward: given to ~ display; or implies what is apparent, as opposed to what is within or is spiritual or mental: an ~ show of courage belied his inward terror. (后缀ward表示direction方向,如forward/backward/upward /downward/afterward/inward/southward向南/homeward向家/sunward向阳) 用途很广,如outward display/calm/appearance /symptoms/movement/flight外在表露/镇定/外表/症状/向外运动/向外飞行
outside: usually implies a position on or a reference to the outer parts or surface of a thing: a shutter covered the ~ of the window; it also tends to apply to what is beyond some implied limit: looked for caused in ~ influences. 义项1又如outside wall/corner/door外墙/角/门,the outside edge of the foot脚的外沿 义项2又如sitting outside the door站在门外,the outside world外面的世界,it is raining outside外面在下雨,activities outside the law非法活动,如an outsider局外人,指不属于某群体或不被接纳的人,如she felt like an outsider in her new school她在新学校感觉自己像个局外人
external: close to outside in meaning, may be preferred when location beyond or away from the thing under consideration is implied: directed their attention to ~ affairs. 又如external influence/pressure外部影响力/压力/外在现实/外交事务,the medication is for external use only该药只能外用,反义词组for internal use only仅供内服,或仅供内部使用,都比较常用
exterior: also close to outside, may be preferred when location on the surface or outer limits of the thing is implied: gave the ~ of the building a fresh coat of paint.
outer外部: 保留了out比较级含义,表示更靠外,离"inner内部"物体或中心更远,outward向外外表: 指动作的方向向外,还表示外表的而非内心的,outside外部: 表示某物的靠外部分,或某范围以外 ,external外部: 同outside义项2,常表示当前考虑事物以外,exterior外部: 同outside义项1
记忆方法: 1)首字母OOOEE,out,ex都是表示外的词根<==外部 "外"是"内、里"的反义词,构形含义尚不明确,最早和"卜"是同一个字,因此应和占卜有关 本义是1、方位词,不在某一界限以内的,如外表里应外合课外此外 2、距离关系远的生疏的,如外国外地外戚外甥见外外行 3、附加的,如另外外号外快外传
2) 练习一下
3)外部的意思是位于之外mean being or placed without something.首字母OOOEE,out,ex都是表示外的词根<==外部 这里without不是表示没有而是within的反义词: 在...以外